Soal Jawab & Isu Pilihan DVD Seks Seorang Menteri Malaysia

DVD Seks Seorang Menteri Malaysia

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Kes DVD Seks Menteri : Saya Sokong Prof Khoo


Zaharuddin Abd Rahman

Kes DVD seks Menteri Kesihatan Malaysia adalah amat memeranjatkan. Dalam majlis persidangan akhbar semalam beliau telah mengaku bahawa dialah lelaki di dalam video tersebut tetapi menyatakan hasrat untuk terus berkhidmat sebagai menteri. Beliau juga menyerahkan keputusan di tangan Perdana Menteri Malaysia untuk memutuskan samada masih memberikan kepercayaan atau tidak.

Ada juga yang memuji tindakannya mengaku dengan berani, tidak seperti kebiasaannya akan menafikan dan kemudian memasuki perbicaraan bertahun-tahun.

Apapun, berdasarkan komen seorang pengunjung di web Malaysia Today berikut, pengakuan itu tidak banyak luar biasanya :-

"written by raven1958, January 01, 2008 | 18:37:30

How not to admit loooo!!!! Face so clear on video other choice but to deny would have been to say that Malaysians were deaf and blind....

Nasihat Prof Khoo Kay Kim

Secara peribadi saya bersetuju dengan nasihat Prof. Khoo Kay Kim agar Menteri ini melepaskan jawatannya.  Tidak kiralah samada insiden itu dirancang oleh musuh politiknya atau tidak, ia tidak akan memberikan banyak perbezaaan terhadap salah laku itu.

Bekas Presiden USA, Bill Clinton juga satu ketika dahulu terkena perangkap yang sama, menurut sumber, Bill Clinton bersumpah tidak melakukan aktivti seks dengan Monica Lewinsky, tetapi kemudian dibuktikan sumpahnya palsu dan didenda USD 90,000 kerana menipu dan menghina mahkamah.

Ada Persamaan dengan Kes Clinton?Peristiwa ini masih dianggap jijik dan kotor walaluipun dalam masyarakat Amerika yang setiap hari bergelumang dengan seks bebas. Akhirnya membawa kejatuhan Bill Clinton, walau apapun hujjah diperangkap, agenda politik dan lain-lain, ia tetap satu perkara memalukan dan tidak boleh diterima masyarakat untuk mempunyai pemimpin sebegini. Kelak anak muda dan rakyat akan menjadikannya sebagai model ikutan secara terbuka.

Jika itulah yang berlaku kepada bekas presiden Amerika, pada hemat saya dalam masyarakat Malaysia yang majoritinya beragama Islam, seks bebas pula adalah satu tindakan yang amat bercanggah dengan nilai moral masyarakat umum, tindakan membiarkan Menteri berperilaku sedemikian TIDAK WAJAR sama sekali dikekalkan.

Menteri Kesihatan & Seks Bebas?

Hal ini menjadi semakin serius apabila beliau berada di posisi Menteri Kesihatan yang sepatutnya jaguh dalam membanteras seks bebas yang boleh membawa AIDS.

Ini adalah petikan kenyataan beliau dahulu

Practise safe sex, says Chua

Sunday December 2, 2007

KUALA LUMPUR: Practise safe sex and be faithful to your partner.

Health Minister Datuk Seri Dr Chua Soi Lek gave this advice in view of the rising number of HIV infections in the country due to unsafe sexual practices.

"Abstinence is still the best way. And be faithful to your partner," he told reporters after opening the First National AIDS Conference and launching the national-level World AIDS Day here yesterday.

"It also boils down to both partners being responsible. Do not blame anybody," added Dr Chua


Saya sebagai salah seorang rakyat Malaysia yang prihatin ingin mencadangkan Dato' Seri Perdana Menteri agar menasihatkan Menteri Kesihatan untuk mengundurkan diri dari semua jawatan kerajaan. Adapun jawatan parti itu terpulang kepada MCA.  

Jika tidak ia memberi kesan yang banyak dan buruk buat semua golongan Masyarakat dan ia juga menjatuhkan kredibiliti kerjaaan dan mengotorkan nama menteri sebagai pemimpin masyarakat ke arah perkara baik.


Zaharuddin Abd Rahman

2 Januari 2008

8.00 pagi

Transcript of Datuk Seri Dr Chua Soi Lek's Question and Answer Session

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Below is a transcript of the Question and Answer session with Datuk Seri Dr Chua Soi Lek.

Q: Who is behind the production of the DVD? Are they your political rival?
A: Who has done it is not important anymore and I have stated this in my statement already. I do not want to make any speculation.

Q: What is your position in the Cabinet now?
A; All ministers serve at the pleasure of the Prime Minister.

Q: What would your next course of action be and are you lodging a police report?
A: I will think about it and the police had already commenced investigation. Also, intruding the privacy of others is an offence. Maybe I will lodge a police report after meeting reporters.

Q: Do you see this as an attempt to ruin your political career?
A: I will let party members, leaders and Malaysians be the judge and this is not something for me to speculate upon.

Q: Do you rule out the possibility of such an attempt?
A: I had already said the reason the recording was done and the agenda are obvious.

Q: What's the reaction of the Prime Minister, the Deputy Prime Minister and the MCA president after you met them?
A: On their reactions, it is better for you all to meet the Prime Minister, the Deputy Prime Minister and the MCA president. I could not represent them in presenting their views about myself. Q: When did you meet the Prime Minister? A: I met the Prime Minister yesterday.

Q: What is your position now?
A: My business is as usual. I already said all ministers serve at the pleasure of the Prime Minister.

Q: When did you know about the recording?
A: Sunday morning.

Q: Is it an old or new recording?
A: I really don't know.

Q: How did you get the DVD?
A: My friend passed me a copy.

Q: How's your relationship with the party president and deputy president?
A: As I had said earlier, I will not speculate on the people behind the making of this recording. This is no longer important.

Q: How is your family's response on the recording?
A: My wife and children will make a separate statement to reporters and Bernama today. They are on my side and there is no problem.

Q: Will you cooperate with the police in their investigations?
A: Sure. I am a responsible citizen.

Q: Will you carry out your duties as usual?
A: I just attended a function in Segamat Hospital and after this, I am going to meet the Indian community in Bekok. My business is as usual. I will not be affected by anyone trying to prevent or stop me from carrying out the duties accorded to me as a minister or MP or party leader.

Q: So there is no issue about you resigning?
A: How many times do you want me to repeat. I have already said it three times already.

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