Peribadi, Tazkirah & Fikir Relevankah Saya Dengan Kuliyyah Ekonomi UIAM?

Relevankah Saya Dengan Kuliyyah Ekonomi UIAM?

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Kuliyyah Ekonomi, UIAM ?


Zaharuddin Abd Rahman

"Kenapa ustaz masuk mengajar di Jabatan Ekonomi ye, ust kan background Shariah" Tanya seorang melalui sms.

"Fakulti ekonomi UIAM ini ada ajar Shariah ke ustaz? Demikian satu lagi sms dari seorang pelajar UM.

"Syeikh, patutnya anta masuk kuliyah Fiqh ke, Islamic Law ke..baru kena dengan takhassus anta, Kuliyyah ekonomi ada kaitan ke?" cadangan dan pertanyaan seorang rakan ustaz kepada saya.


Ramai juga yang terbayang Kuliyyah Ekonomi di UIAM ini seperti Fakulti Ekonomi di sesetengah IPTS, IPTA dan Universiti Luar Negara yang tiada kaitan dengan isu Islam dan Shariah. Hakikatnya Kuliyah Ekonomi di UIAM ini agak unik dan salah satu Jabatannya boleh dianggap seperti Jabatan Shariah dan Ekonomi di Universiti Malaya.

Malah sebenarnya banyak subjek-subjek yang berkaitan dengan Islam dan takhassus saya diajar di Kuliyyah Ekonomi UIAM ini. Sebagai contoh :-


  • 1. Foundation of Islamic Economics
  • 2. Islamic Banking and Finance
  • 3. Fiqh for Economist 1
  • 4. Fiqh for Economist 2
  • 5. Fiqh for Economist 3
  • 6. Usul Fiqh 1
  • 7. Usul Fiqh 2
  • 8. History of Islamic Economics Thought
  • 9. Issues in Islamic Economics
  • 10. Maqasid As-Shariah
  • 11. Islamic Capital Market
  • 12. Islamic Economis & Finance Issues From Shriah Perspectives

Inilah subjek-subjek yang ditawarkan di Kuliyyah Economi UIAM, ada yang wajib dan ada yang khusus serta ada subjek bagi pelajar Sarjana.

Subjek Saya Semester Ini

Adapun bagi saya secara khusus, pada semester ini saya mengjara dua subjek berikut :-

  • 1. Foundations Of Islamic Economics
  • 2. Islamic Banking & Finance

Sebagai info, berikut adalah kandungan kedua-dua subjek ini :-

1.       Foundations Of Islamic Economics


Islam, its Worldview and Islamic Economics

  • Islam

definition of Islam : iman, amal, ihsan;

  • The Islamic Worldview

god, man, nature/universe, religion; the nature and characteristics of man; man's role as `abd and khalifah; nature/universe in Islam; the concept of din and its significations to economic activity;

  • Islamic Economics

definition of economics; scarcity and choice and the economic problems; definition and scope of Islamic economics;

Nasr (1993),

Chapra (1992),

Khan (1989)


Methodology of Islamic Economics
  • Methodology

Importance of knowledge; epistemology - definition and scope; sources and channels of knowledge in Islam; definition; Shari'ah, - definition, scope, sources and issues;

  • Methodology of Islamic Economics

Fiqh, usul al-fiqh and Islamic economics; stages in Islamic economic methodology - issues; comparison with western economic methodology.

Kamali (1989),

Khan (1994),

Arnold (2001),

Notes on  `Knowledge'


The Islamic Economic System
  • Economic System - Definition; Components; Classifications/ Characteristics; Islamic Economic System - General Introduction, Philosophical Foundations; Operational Principles and Goals;

  • Property Ownership - Definitions and Types; General Principles and Types of Ownership in Islam and Implications for the Economic System;

  • Motivation/Incentives - Definition, Types and Importance; Relationship between Islamic Worldview and Motivation; Implications for `rational' Behaviour;

  • Organization of Decision Making - Definition and Types; The Concept of Shura and Implications in Economic Decision Making;

  • Coordination Mechanism - Definition and Types; The Importance of Markets and the Importance of Planning;

Gregory/Stuart (1992), Kahf (1989), Ali (1986)


Allocation of Resources in an Islamic Economic System
  • Importance of Resource Allocation; The Role and Limitations of Markets; Markets Under Islam; Supply and Demand; The Role of the State; The Institution of Al-Hisbah: Functions in an Islamic Economic System.

  • Normative and Technical Aspects of Resource Allocation and their Application in Consumption and Production from an Islamic perspective.

Baumol & Blinder (1997),

Khan (1982),

Kahf, Siddiqi,

Siddiqi, All from Sayyid Tahir (1989, eds.)



  • Goals and principles of distribution in Islam; Types/categories of distribution in economics; Equity, Equality and Justice; Provision of Basic Needs and the Reduction of Poverty;

  • Pre-Production/Initial Distribution; Concepts of khilafah and amanah and the Ownership of natural resources-arguments for public and private ownership;

  • Post-production distribution; Returns to Factors of production; Arguments on minimum wage rate and minimum standard/quality of living.

  • Redistribution; Rationale; positive, voluntary and preventive measures;

Iqbal, Siddiqi,

Zarqa, All from Munawar Iqbal (1986, ed.)


Issues in Islamic Financing: Riba, Contracts and Islamic Banking

The financial system provides mechanism to transfer funds from individuals and groups who saved money to individuals and groups who want to use the money.  In Islam, the system prohibits riba or interest as the incentive to save and invest.  Topic 6 will discuss the financial market where investors directly or indirectly obtain capital from savers through financial intermediaries such as banks that help channel funds from savers to investors.  At the end of the topic, students are expected to understand the following issues: interest and riba, Islamic contracts in banking such as mudarabah, musharakah, murabahah, bai-bithaman-ajil, ijarah, etc.

Ahmad (1989),

Rosly (1994),

Man, Chapra (1992)


Ali, S. A. (1986). Islamic economic system. Readings on Islamic Economics. Islamabad.

Arnold, R. A. (2001). Economics. 5th Edition. (Chapter 1, pp. 11-18). USA: South-Western College Publishing.

Baumol, W. J. & Blinder, A. S. (1997). Economics: Principles and Policies. 7th Edition. (Chapter 13). Dryden Press.

Chapra, M. U. (1992). Islam and the economic challenge. (Chapter 5). Leicester: Islamic Foundation.

Chapra, M. U. (1992). Riba in the Qur'an, Hadith and Fiqh. In S. Ghazali et. al. (Eds), Introduction to Islamic Finance. Appendix 1 (pp. 379-391).

FIE Course packets in Main Library. (Controlled Access Section)

Gregory, P. R., & Stuart, R. C. (1995). Comparative economic systems. 5th Edition. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company.

Kahf, M. (1978). Theory of production. In The Islamic Economy - An Analytical Study of the Functioning of the Islamic Economic System (pp. 29-38). Plainfield, Indiana: The Muslim Student's Association of the United States and Canada.

Khan, M. A. (1989). An introduction to Islamic economics. (Chapter 2, pp. 34-44). Islamabad: IIIT and Institute for Policy Studies.

Kahf, M. (1989). Islamic economics system - A review. In A. Ghazali & S. O. Agil (Eds.). Readings in Islamic Economics. Kuala Lumpur: Longman.

Kamali, M. H. (1989). Source, nature and objectives of the Shari'ah. Islamic Quarterly.  4th Quarter.

Khan, M. A. (1982). Al-Hisba in Ibn Taymiyyah's Public Duties in Islam. Translated by Muhtar Holland. Leicester: Islamic Foundation.

Khan, M. A. (1994). An introduction to Islamic economics. (Chapter 3). Islamabad: IIIT & Institute of Policy Studies.

Nasr, S. H. (1993). A young Muslim's guide to the modern world. (Chapter 1). Cambridge: Islamic Texts Society.

Notes on ‘Knowledge' (pp. 10, source not specified).

Siddiqi, M. N.  (1992) Islamic Producer Behaviour. In A. M. Sadeq & A. Ghazali (Eds.), Readings in Islamic Economics. Kuala Lumpur: Longman.

Siddiqi, M. N. (1992). Islamic Consumer Behaviour. In A. M. Sadeq & A. Ghazali (Eds.), Readings in Islamic Economics. Kuala Lumpur: Longman.

2.       Islamic Banking & Finance

Berikut adalah kandungan subjek ini :-


Philosophy of Islamic Banking and Finance

  • Why banks exist?
  • Financial Intermediation and Markets
  • Understanding Maqasid al-Shariah and its implication to Islamic Banking and Finance
  • The prohibition of riba and gharar, and its rationale
  • Concept of ‘iwad in relation to Islamic Banking and Finance.


History, Development and Regulatory Framework

  • History of Islamic banking and finance
  • Development of Islamic banking and finance in Malaysia
  • Development of Islamic banking and finance in other countries
  • Regulation and Supervision
  • Shari'ah advisory council
  • Full-fledged vs. windows


Concept of Money

  • Definitions and Functions of Money
  • How money derive its value
  • Time value of Money
  • Role of the Central Bank


Sources of Funds

  • Al-wadiah savings account
  • Al-mudarabah investment account


Uses of Funds

(i) Home financing

  • Bay' bithaman ajil (BBA)
  • Issues and critics in the use of BBA
  • Musyarakah mutanakisah and other alternatives
  • Ijarah

(ii) Vehicle financing - al-ijarah thumma al-bay'  (AITAB)

  • Other ijarah-based financing

(iii) Consumer credit

  • OD/personal financing- Bay' al-‘inah, ar-rahn
  • Islamic credit card

(iv) Trade financing

  • Al-murabahah
  • Bay' al-dayn - Islamic factoring, Islamic accepted bills

 (v) Agricultural financing - bay' salam

(vi) Manufacturing financing - istisna'

(vii) Equity-based financing

  • Mudarabah
  • Musyarakah
  • Muzara'ah



  • Basic Concept and philosophy
    • Taawun
    • Tabarru' versus Muawadat
  • Differences between Takaful and Conventional Insurance
  • Basic Models and operation
    • Pure Mudarabah model
    • Pure Wakalah model
    • Hybrid model
    • Waqf model
  • Types of Takaful - General and family takaful


Iqbal, Z. and Mirakhor, A. (2007) An Introduction to Islamic Finance: Theory and Practice. Wiley Finance, Singapore.

Mohammad Obaidullah, Islamic Financial Services, Islamic Economics Research Center, King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, 2006 (

Muhammad Taqi Usmani, An Introduction to Islamic Finance, Kluwer Law International, 2002.


Bank Islam Malaysia Berhad, Islamic Banking Practice, 1st Edition, 1994.

Fuad al-Omar & Mohammad Abdel-Haq, Islamic Banking - Theory, Practice and Challenges, Oxford University Press Karachi, 1988.

Muhammad Imran Ashraf Usmani, Meezanbank's Guide to Islamic Banking, Darul Ihaat Urdu Bazar Karachi, 2002.

Muhammad Nejatullah Siddiqi, Banking Without Interest, Islamic Foundation, 1983.

Muhammad Nejatullah Siddiqi, Issues in Islamic Banking, Islamic Foundation, 1983.

Saad Al-Harran, Leading Issues in Islamic Banking and Finance, Pelanduk Publications, 1995.

Saiful Azhar Rosly, Critical Issues on Islamic Banking and Financial  Markets, Dinamas Publishing, 2005.

Cabaran Bagi Saya

Demikianlah serba ringkas info berkenaan subjek yang ditaklifkan kepada saya untuk semester ini. Namun bagi saya, anadaian tugasan sebagai pensyarah yang lebih mudah ini rupanya tidak sebagaimana yang dijangka.

Pertamanya : kerana kita perlu mengajar mengikut silibus dan setiap subjek ini mempunyai 2-5 orang pensyarah lain juga mengajarnya bagi kelompok pelajar yang berbeza. Justeru, timbul keperluan untuk memastikan isi kandungan syarahan kami tidak jauh berbeza demi memastikan soalan final exam kelak mencakupi apa yang kami semua telah ajarkan.

Keduanya : bagi memastikan kandungan yang diajar tidak lari jauh, sebagai pensyarah, kita semua perlu mengkhatamkan ‘required references'. Bagi saya ia agak mencabar berbanding pensyarah lain yang sudah berulang kali mengajar subjek ini. Sebelum ini banyak info dan ilmu yang saya perolehi berasal dari pembacaan kitab-kitab berbahasa arab karangan kalangan ulama-ulama besar silam dan kontemporari berbangsa Arab. Namun kali ini, saya terpaksa pula mentelaah tulisan dan buku-buku berbahasa Inggeris dalam topik yang lebih kurang sama.

Ia satu cabaran tetapi  agak menarik kerana pastinya saya akan mendapat ilmu baru pula dari buku-buku yang jarang saya telaahnya dahulu. Alhamdulillah.

Ketiganya : Pembahagian masa bagi membaca, menghadam, mengajar di Universiti dan dalam masa yang sama aktiviti ilmiah lain seperti artikel, buku, ceramah, kursus, seminar dan lain-lain.


Kesimpulannya, keberadaan saya di Kuliyyah ekonomi di UIAM ini sangat relevan dengan saya dan latar belakang kemahiran saya.

Selain itu saya dan rakan-rakan tenaga pengajar lain amat mengharapkan agar dapat turut melahirkan akauntan, economist dan businessman yang pernah melalui pendedahan ilmu Fiqh, Usul Fiqh, Maqasid Shariah dan lain-lain. Jika pengajian ini dipelajari secara faham dan serius, sudah tentu mereka akan menjadi asset penting bagi Islam pada masa hadapan.


Zaharuddin Abd Rahman

14 Jan 2008

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