Kewangan Kad Mesra Petronas & Hukum Shariah

Kad Mesra Petronas & Hukum Shariah

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Kad Mesra Petronas & Hukumnya

Oleh : Ust Zaharuddin Abd Rahman

Kad Mesra PetronasRamai bertanya kepada saya hukum kad mesra petronas yangboleh berpeluang memenangi kereta selain berpeluang mendapat manfaat seperti kad diskaun. Selain itu sistem mata juga dibrikan bagi setiap RM 1 yang digunakan untuk mengisi minyak di Petronas dan pembayaran bil tertentu.

Berikut adalah info kad mesra yang saya petik dari web mereka . SIla baca hukumnya di bawah sekali.

FAQ For Kad Mesra

  1. Do I have to pay for membership?
    No, Kad Mesra's membership is FREE. There is no access fee or annual fee required.
  2. Is there any expiry date for the card?
    There is no expiry date for Kad Mesra.
  3. Where can I apply for the card?
    You can collect an application form from the nearest PETRONAS service station. Fill in the form and mail or fax to us and we will send you your new Kad Mesra. You may also apply online at or .
  4. Can I apply for a supplementary card for this new Kad Mesra?
    Yes, you can apply for the supplementary card through the application forms available at the service stations or call our Member Services Consultant at 03-8023 2626.
  5. What should I do if my new Kad Mesra is damaged, lost or stolen?
    Please call our Member Services Consultant at 03-8023 2626 for your replacement card. Please allow 2 to 3 weeks for delivery.
  6. I am also a RealRewards card member. What do I do with my RealRewards card?
    Both RealRewards card and the new Kad Mesra can still be used but only one card can be swiped at any one time. This new Kad Mesra will be the 'principal account'. We will merge your current Real Points with your new Kad Mesra earned points automatically as your name and your current RealRewards ID number is similar to that on the new Kad Mesra. Please call us at 03-8023 2626 if your name and ID number on both the cards differ.
  7. What is the Point structure for purchases at PETRONAS service stations?
    You will earn 1 Point for every RM1 qualifying purchases.
  8. How can I earn points from purchases at PETRONAS service stations?
    You can earn points for any qualifying purchases of fuel, Kedai Mesra merchandise and lubricants.
  9. Are there any differences between the new Kad Mesra Points and RealRewards Real Points?
    There are no differences. 1 Kad Mesra Point = 1 Real Point.
  10. How can I check my Points balance?
    You can call RealRewards Call Centre at 03-8023 2626, log on to or check from our terminal during our RR Truck roadshow.
  11. Can I exchange my Points for cash?
    No, Points can only be exchanged for rewards as listed in the catalogue.
  12. What are some of the benefits of the new Kad Mesra?
    • The new Kad Mesra can be used at any RealRewards merchants
    • Free supplementary Kad Mesra
    • Points can be obtained from paying of ‘must pay' bills from Telekom and Tenaga Nasional etc., provided the name registerd in those accounts is the same as the name on the new Kad Mesra.
    • Points can be redeemed for cash vouchers or many exclusive and exciting rewards.
    • Exclusive promotions for Kad Mesra holders
    • Your accumulated points will never expire!
    • Can be accepted at our ‘Pay-at-Pump' facility

  1. Where or how can I redeem the points?
    • You can call RealRewards Redemption Hotline at 03-8024 7999
    • You can visit the RealRewards One-Stop Member Services Center at 53G, The Boulevard, Mid Valley, K Lumpur
    • Visit the RealRewards Redemption Truck during our events
    • Complete the Redemption Request Form provided in your catalogue and send it to RealRewards via mail or fax to 03-8023 2228
    • Log on to to redeem online.

  1. What are some of the merchants in the program?
    Among the main merchants are:
    • Petrosains
    • Tenaga Nasional
    • Bumiputra Commerce Bank
    • American Home Assurance Company
    • KTM berhad
    • EON
    • England Optical Group
    • Angel Cakes
    • Fotokem
    • Georgetown
    • Habib Jewels
    • Menara Kuala Lumpur
    • Aseania Resorts, Langkawi
    • Gloria Jeans
    • Delifrance
    • Pasaraya H&L (Sarawak only)

You can refer to the catalogue book provided in your welcome pack for futher information.

  1. Why should I quickly use my new Kad Mesra?
    In appreciation of your loyalty, we will be offering the following limited time promotions:
    • Additional 100 points for first swipe at PETRONAS Service stations
    • Low redemption points for rewards
    • Discounts and other attractive offerings by RealRewards merchants

  1. Do I need to change my old Kad Mesra (CIR) to the new Kad Mesra (RR)?
    Yes, you do. Effective 23 March 2004, the old Kad Mesra (CIR) will not be accepted at any PETRONAS service station and other Cash-In Rebate merchants.
  2. Will my previous rebates from my old Kad Mesra (CIR*) be converted to points under the new Kad Mesra (RR) program?
    No. Your rebates will NOT be converted to points under the new Kad Mesra program. You will receive your remaining or outstanding rebates from iSynergy up to the new Kad Mesra launch date (23 March 2004). You are required o contact iSynergy Sdn Bhd at 03-2166 5077 for further information.

    *CIR - Cash-In-Rebate

Hukum Shariah berkenaan kad mesra.

Kad ini adalah harus dan halal digunakan kerana tiada sebarang elemen judi berlaku, ini kerana pihak pemegang kad tidak membayar satu sen pun bagi memiliki kad ini. Ia adalah selari dengan keputusan Kesatuan Ulama Fiqh Sedunia yang membenrakan kad diskaun yang tidak mengenakan sebarang caj kepada pelanggan atau juga yang mengenakan caj minima harga sekeping kad plastic seperti hanya RM 10 setahun.

Kedua-dua jenis kad sebegini adalah halal. Kad mesra juga tidak ada unsure gharar, kerana ia sepenuhnya berdasarkan hadiah atau tabbaru' dari pihak Petronas kepada pelanggannya demi menarik orang ramai mengisi minyak dengannya. Dan pemegang kad juga tidak dikenakan sebarang bayaran tambahan ketika mengisi minyak. Ini sekali lagi halal dalam Islam tanpa khilaf.

Adapun cabutan yang dibuat untuk mendapat kereta atau tidak, ia juga halal kerana pelanggan dikira tidak membayar apa-apa untuk mendapatkannya. Duit minyak yang diisi adalah untuk pembelian normal minyak dan BUKANNYA seperti yuran untuk memperolehi hak cabutan atau menang semata-mata.

Sistem mata yang terkumpul melayakkan mendapat hadiah tertentu juga tiada sebarang masalah Shariah. Wallahu ‘alam.


Ust Zaharuddin Abd Rahman

12 Jun 2007

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