Bank Negara Malaysia Investigates Pan Phoenix Dina Sdn Bhd and its Related Companies

Bank Negara Malaysia is currently investigating Pan Phoenix Dina Sdn Bhd and its related companies suspected of conducting illegal deposit taking and money laundering activities. These illegal activities are offences under subsection 25(1) Banking and Financial Institutions Act 1989 (BAFIA) and subsection 4(1) of Anti-Money Laundering and Anti-Terrorism Financing Act 2001 (AMLA) respectively.
The raids on Pan Phoenix Dina Sdn Bhd and its related companies were conducted today in the premises of this company in Kota Bharu and Kuala Lumpur following complaints received from members of the public. Relevant assets and documents of the companies were seized for purpose of investigation.
Members of the public are reminded not to place money or deposits with companies not licensed by Bank Negara Malaysia or to be involved in any get rich quick scheme to avoid losing their hard earned money. A list of all licensed institutions that accept deposits is available on Bank Negara Malaysia's website at Members of the public should contact Bank Negara Malaysia for enquiries and further advice at the following address and telephone contact numbers:
Laman Informasi Nasihat dan Khidmat (BNMLINK )
(Walk-in Customer Service Centre)
Ground Floor, D Block,
Jalan Dato' Onn
50480 Kuala Lumpur
BNMTELELINK : 1-300-88-5465 or
Hotlines : 03 2691 0824 / 2692 6482 / 2698 2810 / 2694 2143
Fax: 03 2698 7467
Bank Negara Malaysia Investigates Mercantile Point Sdn Bhd and Sunshine Empire Sdn Bhd and its Related Companies
Bank Negara Malaysia is currently investigating Mercantile Point Sdn Bhd and Sunshine Empire Sdn Bhd and their related companies suspected of conducting illegal deposit taking and money laundering activities. These illegal activities are offences under subsection 25(1) Banking and Financial Institutions Act 1989 (BAFIA) and subsection 4(1) of Anti-Money Laundering and Anti-Terrorism Financing Act 2001 (AMLA) respectively.
The raids on Mercantile Point Sdn Bhd and its related companies were conducted on 2 April 2008 while the raids on Sunshine Empire Sdn Bhd and its related companies were conducted on 4 April 2008. These raids were conducted in premises of the companies around Kuala Lumpur following complaints received from members of the public. Relevant assets and documents of the companies were seized for purpose of investigation.
Kadang-kadang timbul rasa jemu pula untuk memberi komen dalam isu-isu skim-skim sebegini. Tidak dapat dipastikan sehingga bilakah kebanyakkan orang Islam mampu dan dapat memahami bentuk-bentuk skim cepat kaya yang tidak berlesen dan haram pula di sisi Islam. Demikian juga skim yang persis sepertinya.
Ramai bertanya kepada saya berkenaan hukum Dina Sdn Bhd dan Kotaqwa ini, namun saya tidak bersemangat menjawabnya kerana panduan-panduan untuk mengenal skim pelaburan halal dan haram, banyak telah saya ulas di web ini dari keputusan majlis fiqh sedunia. Untuk garis panduan awal, perkara pertama yang perlu disemak bagi mengelakkan terjebak dalam mana-mana skim yang boleh menimbulkan masalah di kemudian hari adalah kelulusan BNM dan Suruhanjaya Sekuriti Malaysia.
Adapun, skim forex via internet tu, mungkin sedang menunggu laporan-laporan sampai ke pihak BNM.
Ada yang tanya skim Pergiduit, Telagaduit dan pelbagai lagi. Saya tidak saya tidak perlu untuk mengulasnya kerana panduannya telah disebutkan dengan jelas dalam bentuk-bentuk sebelum ini.
Apapun, elok untuk kita sama-sama menunggu hasil siasatan BNM. Jai Network sebelum ini telah pun dibekukan akaun mereka, namun saya juga tidak mengetahui apakah cerita selanjutnya selepas itu.
Maaf, saya tidak sempat mengulas panjang kerana perlu bergegas ke Tanjung Malim.
Zaharuddin Abd Rahman
18 April 08
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