Swiss Cash Halal & Islamik
Dalam FAQ : Bidasan
From: xxxx
Sent: Tuesday, February 06, 2007 10:35 AM
To: ''
Cc: xxxx
Subject: Jawapan kepada pelaburan Forex & Swish cash
Salam Zaharuddin,
With regards to a portion of you comment below,
"Lebih jelas dari itu, jika pembaca meninjau kepada ruangan "Frequently Asked Questions" (FAQ) yang terdapat di dalam web mereka juga tiada satu perkataan dan soalan pun yang berkaitan tentang keislaman produk mereka ini. Semua ini, tanpa perlu mengkaji dengan lebih dalam pun sudah mampu diketahui akan tidak menepati Shariahnya pelaburan mereka ini."
Are you absolutely sure nothing about Islam is being touched?
This is what I found in SWISS CASH FAQ under clause 11.18
11.18 | As a Muslim (believer in Islam), we are not allowed to invest in corporations that have dealings with industries such as gambling, alcohol, tobacco or any other that is related to unhealthy living. Does your investment cover such sectors? |
Please comment,
Thanks & Rgds
Sdr xxx bertanya kepada saya :-
"Are you absolutely sure nothing about Islam is being touched? This is what I found in SWISS CASH FAQ under clause 12.18"
Jawapan saya :
Yes, I'm absolutely sure at the time i checked. FAQ yang sdri sertakan ini adalah FAQ baru.
Bagaimanapun, it doesn't make any different in term of the Shariah ruling, which is Haram.
Ini kerana :
1) Disebutkan oleh mereka di FAQ ini "our investment are mostly spread into utilities, IT, viable project developments, natural resources, agriculture commodities and money market"
Pertama : Adakah anda dan pembaca faham apa itu "money market"?
Jika pembaca belum memahaminya, sila baca takrifan dan instrumen biasanya "
A money market is a financial market for short-term borrowing and lending, typically up to thirteen months. This contrasts with the capital market for longer-term funds. In the money markets, banks lend to and borrow from each other, short-term financial instruments such as certificates of deposit (CDs) or enter into agreements such as repurchase agreements (repos). It provides short to medium term liquidity in the global financial system. Money market derivatives include forward rate agreements (FRAs) and short-term interest rate futures. ( Rujuk
Common money market instruments
- Bankers' acceptance - A draft or bill of exchange accepted by a bank to guarantee payment of the bill.
- Certificate of deposit - A time deposit with a specific maturity date shown on a certificate; large-denomination certificates of deposits can be sold before maturity.
- Commercial paper - An unsecured promissory note with a fixed maturity of one to 270 days; usually it is sold at a discount from face value.
- Eurodollar deposit - Deposits made in U.S. dollars at a bank or bank branch located outside the United States.
- Federal Agency Short-Term Securities - (in the US). Short-term securities issued by government sponsored enterprises such as the Farm Credit System, the Federal Home Loan Banks and the Federal National Mortgage Association.
- Federal funds - (in the US). Interest-bearing deposits held by banks and other depository institutions at the Federal Reserve; these are immediately available funds that institutions borrow or lend, usually on an overnight basis. They are lent for the federal funds rate.
- Municipal notes - (in the US). Short-term notes issued by municipalities in anticipation of tax receipts or other revenues.
- Repurchase agreements - Short-term loans-normally for less than two weeks and frequently for one day-arranged by selling securities to an investor with an agreement to repurchase them at a fixed price on a fixed date.
- Treasury bills - Short-term debt obligations of a national government that are issued to mature in 3 to 12 months. For the U.S., see Treasury bills.
- Money market mutual funds - Pooled short maturity, high quality investments which buy money market securities on behalf of retail or institutional investors. ( Rujuk )
Untuk anda tahu hukum Shariah, anda kena faham setiap inti takrifan ini dan juga instrumennya, maka anda akan faham sama ada ia menepati Shariah atau tidak serta syarat-syaratnya. Sememangnya ada "Islamic Money Market", tapi cara pelaksanaan dan produknya berbeza dari konvensional, dan amat amat jelas, mereka guna cara konvensional yang terlibat dengan begitu banyak RIBA. Jika mereka ada Penasihat Shariah, semua ini akan dipastikan dijalankan dengan menepati Shariah. Itu yang kami buat di bank-bank Islam.
Di ketika ini, FAQ yang anda beri tiada gunanya lagi, walaupun ia kononnya tidak terlibat dengan judi, arak dan babi, perzinaan dan sebagainya, ia tetap terlibat dengan Riba.
2) Disebut juga dalam FAQ itu "spread into utilities, IT, viable project developments, natural resources, agriculture commodities" ,
Adakah anda tahu, apakah terma-terma kontrak pelaburan ini?, adakah ia jaga terma dan ditentukan oleh Shariah? Di bank-bank Islam, kami jaga dan kami semak,
Adakah anda pasti, ‘viable project development' itu digunakan oleh aktivti yang halal menurut Shariah, ini kerana, pelaburan dalam pembiayaan projek untuk kegunaan haram seperti perhotelan, kelab malam, restoran haram dan sebagainya akan menjadikan ia pelaburan yang haram juga??.
Siapa pula yang menentukan dan menyemak pelaburan-pelaburan ini? Mereka tiada Majlis Penasihat Shariah, bagaimana mungkin mereka tahu membezakan halal dan haram. Di bank-bank Islam, semua projek yang disertai disemak oleh kami dan Majlis Penasihat Shariah.
Saya harap fikirkan keselamatan anda di akhirat sebelum melabur. Yakin dengan ilmu dan bukan dengan nafsu.
Ust Zaharuddin
6 Feb 2007
18 Muharram 1428 H
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